Smart Advice




Road accidents pose a serious threat to people living in the GCC countries. Official statistics revealed that on an average, 2 persons were killed daily in road accidents in UAE over the last five years (Source: Ministry of Interior, Khaleej Times). Speeding, using phones and tailgating (not keeping safe distance) were found to be the three leading causes of road accidents.

Nissan is at the forefront of developing high-tech safety technologies in their vehicles. As a brand committed to the cause of road safety, Nissan wanted to enhance the awareness on these three key issues.
Conventional perception dictates that it takes a really bright mind(s) to come up with the solution to driving issues.

We partnered with three of the brightest minds in the Middle East, highlighting their various achievements, positioning them as the ones who’ve found the solution to driving issues.


Wrong Place

Dubai is perceived as a land of opportunity by many. People from all over the world pack their bags, move away from their loved ones, leave the homeland they grew in to experience the ‘Dubai Life’.
